Monday, April 19, 2010

Welcome to African Cuisine

World Cuisine today was all about African cuisine.  We explored the food from the cradle of civilization, including some of the foods that have influenced the entire world as well as some of the influences the rest of the world had on Africa.  The results were amazingly delicious.

 Yellow Rice with Raisins; Eggplant Curry; African Hot Sauce
Almost every Middle East, North African, and even some European Mediterranean  countries have a variation of this rice dish.  And the curry influence is from everywhere, extending from India to Southeast Asia all the way to Eastern Africa.  The African Hot sauce was, umm, well okay.

Chicken Peanut Soup
Despite Jimmy Carter's best wishes, the truth is, the peanut is entirely African.  This delicious soup brings out some delicious African spices, flavors, meats, vegetables, and of course PEANUT BUTTER.

Lamb and Lentil Soup
DELICIOUS.  That is all I have to say about that.

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